Fitting together many broken fragments of stela found in 2012
Vestiges of a Middle Preclassic building (ca. 800-300 B.C.) discovered several meters below the level of one of the courtyards of Nakum (Patio 1)
Excavations in the area of a ballcourt located in the Northern Sector of Nakum
Noninvasive research with the use of a resistivity-meter in Nakum Patio 1
Fragments of figurines dated to the Middle Preclassic period (ca. 1000-300 B.C.)
Jade jewelry discovered inside a tomb at Nakum Structure 15
Excavations conducted in a temple chamber located on top of Pyramid X brought about the discovery of two burials and several accompanied offerings dated to the Classic period (ca. 3rd-10th centuries AD)
Covered by jungle Pyramid X is shown here during archaeological investigations
Measurements carried out close to the highest structure of Nakum (Pyramid U)
Set of ceramic vessels found during Polish research at Nakum